Surgery Opening Times

All patients are seen by appointment only, this can be made by telephone or in person at reception. Please book emergencies before 10:00am if possible.

The practice operates an automated telephone system which has been designed to help you. Please listen carefully to the choices available. At busy times calls are queued so there may be a wait but you will be answered.

Doctors within the surgery have one training and administration day per week each when they do not see patients. This is not the same day each week. In addition to this, for one Wednesday afternoon each month the surgery will be closed for training purposes.


Monday 8.00am - 6.30pm* Switchboard opens at 8am 
Tuesday 8.00am - 8.00pm*

Switchboard opens at 8am

Evening surgery 6.30pm-8pm**  

Wednesday ** 8.00am - 6.30pm*

Switchboard opens at 8am 

Thursday 8.00am - 6.30pm* Switchboard opens at 8am
Friday 8.00am - 6.30pm* Switchboard opens at 8am
Saturday Closed  
Sunday Closed  


* Except Bank/ Public Holidays.

** Last Wednesday of every month Surgery will be closed in the afternoon from 1:00pm for Staff Training and Development except in the month of August and December..

** Evening surgery is by appointment only

Find out more about booking an appointment...